Saturday, August 31, 2019

Influence of Parents on Academic Performance Essay

Authorities parenting, psychosocial maturity and academic success among adolescents, study of Steinberg et al. (1989) describes that when a parents treat their child warmly, democratically, and firmly, they will develop positive attitudes, they will achieve more and do better in school. Multidimensional conceptualization of parent involvement in children’s schooling according to Grolmck’s (1994), it describes that parents must support their child specially to their experiences. Parental Involvement and academic achievement of peer accepted and peer rejected children, a study by Chowdhary and Jayasmita (1997), describes that parental involvement may have influence to the academic performance of a child as a accepted or rejected. Comparative study of parent-child relationships of high and low achievers, study by Kang et al. (1997); the Tiwari (1997) was used to develop this study, it used eight dimensions at parent and child relations such as acceptance, rejection, domina nce-submission, encouragement-discouragement, love-hate, authoritarian-democratic, reward-punishment, trust-disburst, tolerance-hostility. In this study it reveals that children who had warm relationships with their parents achieved higher in classroom. Parent-child relationship and academic motivation, study of Suman et al. (2003), it revealed that the achievement motivation was higher when adolescents perceived their parents as loving and demanding. Sibling rivalry and relation to achievement motivation, study of Vasuki et. al (2004), data were from Neerakatwal’s (1988) and Deo Mohan’s Achievement Motivation Scale (1985), it showed that rivalry towards siblings, tended to have low levels of achievement motivation. Effect of Peer Academic Reputation on Achievement Gest et. al (2005) argued that peer academic reputation (PAR) may influence children’s academic motivation and achievement even if it is not veridical. This argument is consistent with research on the effect of teacher expectations on achievement, which demonstrates that teacher perception of children’s academic ability, whether accurate or not, affect student’s grades and scores on standardized achievement tests (for reviews see Brophy, 1983, Jussim Eccles, and Mardon 1996, and Jussim and Harber, 2005) Developmental Issues Researchers speculate that growth in social cognitive skills, including the capacity and motivation to use social comparison information to shape self-evaluations, account for the trend toward more negative and more differentiated self-perception in grades K-3 (Kuklinsks and Weinstein 2001: Markus and Wurf, 1987). Also make children the transition from kindergarten to the more formal academic setting of grades 1-3, more social comparison cues, may be available, and feedback on one’s academic performance may be based more on comparison to others versus improvement over one’s prior performance (Eccles et. al, 1993: Ruble and Frey, 1987: Ruble, Grosovsky, Frey, and Cohen, 1992) Influence of siblings on adjustment of adolescents Conger et al. (1997) carried a study on parents, siblings, psychological control and adolescents. Data were obtained by using Rosenberg measure of self esteem (Rosenberg, 1965) Pearten measure of control and mastery developed by (Pearlin, 1981), SCR-90-R (Symptom checklist revised; Derogatis, 1983) was administered. Results of the study indicated that psychological control both by parents and by siblings contributes to increase adolescents adjustment problems and to diminished self-confidence. Vasuki et al. (2004) carried a study on â€Å"sibling rivalry and its relation to frustration, mental health and self conflict of adolescents† on a sample of 60 girls and 60 boys from three city schools of in the age group of 15-18 years. Data were obtained using Neerakatual’s (1998) sibling relationship questionnaire, Chauhan and Govind Tiwari’s (1969) Frustration test, Smt Rama Tiwari’s (1986) self conflict questionnaire, Jagdish and Srivastava’s Mental health questionnaire. Results of the study revealed that both males and females of dyads and multiples showed rivalry towards their siblings in a homogeneous way. Greater extent of sibling rivalry also lead the adolescents to become more frustrated. Oliva et al. (2005) carriedout a study on â€Å"sibling relationship during adolescence† on a sample of 513 adolescents aged between 13 and 19 years. Data were obtained by using an instrument created by Steinberg et al. (1991) to assess the parenting style, questionnaire on sibling relationships (QSR; Arranz et al., 1994), inventory of peer attachment (IPA) developed by Armsdeu and Greenberg (1987) and Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSES; Rosenberg, 1965). Results of this study indicated that having siblings was related to adolescent’s social and personal adjustment, although only among girls and only in cases of good sibling relationships. In cases of poor sibling adjustment, it was the negative effects of every day situations of rivalry and conflict outweighed the benefits of any support that was provided.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Argumentative Essay On Social Media

Nowadays, a lot of people are using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler and so on. Since the Internet has propagated rapidly, social media have progressed a lot. The generalization of the internet makes us to live conveniently and fast. People are almost using smart phones, i-phones or comfortable devices which can access to internet. These equipments make us to do social network easily. It helps contact friends, family, and other people even though they live far away. It could be, however, abused, if you don’t use properly.Especially, it is important that we understand and regulate the use of social media by young children. First of all, social media, especially facebook, are very addicted. People would say drug or alcohol is more addicted than social media or social media addiction is not big problems, but it is not true. There is a report of the social media addiction by University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business. A team from the University of Chica go’s Booth School of Business recently conducted an experiment involving 205 people in Wurtzburg, Germany to analyze the addictive properties of social media and other vices.Participants in the week-long study were polled via BlackBerry smart phones seven times per day and asked to report when they experienced a desire within the past 30 minutes, and whether or not the succumbed to that desire. They were also asked to gauge each desire on a scale from mild to â€Å"irresistible. † In the light of these facts, surely social media make addicts, and it is hard to escape. The problem is most people who have an addiction to social media and don’t even realize it. Second, people can get mental and physical disorders easily through using social media.People might bet think social media is not matter with the disorders. They argued the social media is good for mental diseases because social media help express their feelings or thought easily. Also, through social media, they can be connected each other more. However, social media just offer limited meeting. They just meet on websites, not physical meeting. Psychologist, Aric Sigman suggests â€Å"The use of social networking sites as opposed to face-to-face interaction could lead to major health problems. † Also he claimed in the British Journal The Biologistâ€Å"Spending too much time online could lead to social isolation, loneliness and a negative outlook. These types of psychological symptoms could eventually lead to more serious health concerns, such as heart disease, cancer and dementia. † Using social media disturbs make deep relationship with others. When they are using social media we do not need to move a lot. It is okay just to stay. We do not need to active a lot. As a result, it leads naturally mental and physical disorders. Third, social media doesn’t help for their studies or talents.People think social media is good places to show their talents or works what th ey did. For example, they argue people can share video clip what they playing the instruments or dancing or singing. It is, however, for people who already good to do those. If you are not good at those things and if you spend time to do social media, it would be hard to progress your talents. I did surveys about relationships between using social media and studying last semester. Most students answered using social media is not helpful to study.Also, students who got good grades spend just a little time to use social media. Using social media steals your time to what really want to do easily. If you do not pay attention, your time is gone very fast, and it cannot be returned. If you read books, study, exercising, practice singing, dancing or playing the instruments instead of using social media, it would be much better for you and your future life. Especially, the young generation and children are easy to be exposed to environments which using social media.Social media are favorite not only along with teens or youngsters; it’s growing among working people and also old people. Social media addiction drug exactly where everyone is continuously logged on it irrespective that they have worked or they don’t have anything to complete. It’s regarded Social media an addiction exactly where many people have become addicts every day. It could be occurred mental and physical disease and make you waste time. Those are why we need to understand and regulate the use of social media by young children.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Gender Differences in Communication Essay

Communications styles have always been different between men and women. As children our communications styles have been taught to us. According to John Gottman â€Å"Boys learn to suppress and bury their feelings, especially fear and other emotions that make them feel vulnerable. Girls are encouraged to express and talk about their feelings. † (whymarriages). Women and men may share some similarities but, we can all agree that when it comes to the aspects of communication there is a significant difference. Since childhood the communications between men and women have been different. This is evident in the upbringing of males and females â€Å"Boy and girl infants are treated differently by both parents. Both mom and dad speak louder voices to boys, caress and coo at girls more, show greater facial disapproval to girls’ anger, and use more aggressive physical play with boys. † (Lathrop) When boys are raised they are taught certain aspects of a relationship are not as important whereas, with women that is the main focus. For example, â€Å"Typically, boys are not taught skills relating to intimacy and emotions while girls are carefully taught to focus primarily on these. (Lathrop) Although, that is what boys are taught it’s all based upon how the parents raise or model â€Å"correct† behavior at a young age. But, boys are naturally problem solvers unlike women. When men are communicating they come into the conversation looking for solution to the problem at hand. According to Marlene Lathrop, â€Å"Boys develop visual-spatial-logical and problem-solving skills sooner than girls and tend to talk about things and activities, while girls develop talking-reading-vocabulary and interpersonal skills sooner than boys and tend to talk about people, feelings and developing friendships. (Communicationsstyle) Unlike men, women are not the problem solvers, they are more sensitive and emotional when it comes to communication women relate more to the emotions of the issues rather than the logistics like men. Women are and Men are very different non-verbally when it comes to communication. Body language in communication is one of the biggest factors. If you ever notice if you argue with a male, they never look at you in the eye. This is because men take direct eye contact as a threat and a challenge, when they feel challenged or threaten the communication becomes less effective. Studies say that the best place to argue is in the care, this is because it avoids the eye contact which is usually a threat to men. This is proven by Tonya Reiman who says â€Å"for men, a face to face position indicates challenge or confrontation† (Genderdifferences) You rarely ever see two men sit face to face or talk to one another making direct eye contact . But; Women are noted to be more sensitive and â€Å"touchy† when using non-verbal communication â€Å"women are considered to be more nonverbally warmer than men with a tendency to smile and lean towards others during conversation† (Rieman). Ever notice when women communicate what’s the first thing they say â€Å"Look at me when I’ talking to you! † This is because women take direct eye contact as a way of saying that the other person is listening to them as women we are active listeners unlike men. For example, â€Å"Women sit face-to –face with other women or stand closer, indicating a more open and intimate position that help them connect with one another. † (Reiman). Nodding and direct eye contact is a sign of understanding and as women we need that in order to achieve the connection that is trying to be made during communicating. Because women and men are raised differently non-verbal communication goes back to what they learn in childhood. For example; â€Å"In the first few years of life girls are more used to physical touch by their mothers during childhood compared with boys. Women therefore use touch to express caring, empathy and emotions. Men are seen as being more competitive and verbally assertive due to childhood influences of toys such as guns and swords† (rieman). The dreadful words to men â€Å"Let’s talk about it† may be like nails to a chalk board. But, to women it is a way of expressing and making a connection. Because men are automatic problem solvers they see this as a women looking for a solution to a problem and bypass the unimportant information and straight to the point. According to Deborah Tannen’s book â€Å"You Just Don’t Understand† she notes that Tannen notes that men are confused by women’s use of conversation to be intimate with others. Tannen describes this as â€Å"troubles talk. † She says, â€Å"For women, talking about troubles is the essence of connection. I tell you my troubles, you tell me your troubles, and we’re close. Men, however, hear troubles talk as a request for advice, so they respond with a solution. † When a man offers this â€Å"here’s a solution† to a woman it becomes as though the man is dismissing her and all things that she has previously said had no importance to him what so ever. However, with men they keep their problems to themselves a good majority of the time and men often go to other men just seek just advice nothing more and nothing less. Men and women have significant differences when it comes to communication styles. According to Tonya Reiman, â€Å"The communication style of women has been described as being more emotional than men. Women focus on feelings and building relationships while men focus on power and status. † (Genderdifferences). This statement is true because as women we are more emotional than men. A lot has to due back to how men and women are raised during childhood. Men are straight forward and to the point when it comes to communicating, they communicate to share information and converse in a very assertive and direct manner which is not what women do. With women they are more sensitive and more willingly to express how they feel and show more empathy rather than men. The communication style of men is to establish and maintain status and dominance, whereas with women’s communicating it is more open. When women get together they seek feedback of the other women present and make decisions based on a group based decision. Because men have a different communication style than women it sometimes clashes with the needs and wants when they communicate with one another. Women do not understand that men are all about dominance and status when it comes to communication, women are all about feeling which sometimes turn men off to what they are saying. According to Tannen,† men converse with a focus on achieving social status and avoiding failure, while women focus on achieving personal connection and avoiding social isolation. Men want to report, women want rapport. Not that men don’t value involvement or women status, but these aren’t as important for either†. (Youjustdont). In closing, Men are from Mars and women are truly from Venus especially communication wise. Neither gender truly understands where one another is coming from dealing with communication. A lot of the differences stem from childhood and society’s â€Å"correct† way of raising different genders. If we really sat back and truly analyze what we are doing when it comes to raising our men and women we can truly see how we are not helping but damaging. Because men are taught to keep their feelings inside it makes it difficult not only for the man but the women also.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Economics - Essay Example Thus, the latter region displays a greater degree of price elasticity of demand. It is due to the conjunction of both kinds of goods – luxury and regular, within the same consumption basket that the price elasticity of demand in this case has been evaluated as close to unity. A probable solution to the problem could be to segregate the consumption baskets for two types of commodities. However, the prime issue is that Guam does not even have a proper consumption basket on the basis if which CPI could be measured properly. This might also lead to a miscalculation of the actual price elasticity of demand. 3. The income elasticity of demand had been found to be more influential than price elasticity. The Japanese are found to be highly sensitive to fluctuations in their levels of income rather than the price level ruling over the region where they are touring. For instance, the numbers of visits by Japanese tourists were lowered during periods of recession prevailing in Japan. How ever, the demand for ultra-expensive luxury and branded items being sold in Tumon, the prime tourist centre in Guam was little affected by a slight change in the price of commodities. On the other hand, the discount kiosks in Guam’s K-Mart attracted more and more number of tourists though the nature of demand fluctuated over time. It rather seemed that a rise in the level of prices for discounted commodities led to a sharp fall in the demand for the same, while the demand for ultra-expensive luxury items were found to be quite inelastic in nature. The prime reason could be presumed to be that the demand for the former commodities comes from tourists belonging to a relatively lower income bracket while that for the... This paper approves that the Japanese are found to be highly sensitive to fluctuations in their levels of income rather than the price level ruling over the region where they are touring. For instance, the numbers of visits by Japanese tourists were lowered during periods of recession prevailing in Japan. However, the demand for ultra-expensive luxury and branded items being sold in Tumon, the prime tourist centre in Guam was little affected by a slight change in the price of commodities. China had maintained a closed door strategy since long which prohibited both foreign tourists from visiting the nation and domestic nationals to involve in outbound travels. However such a stance has taken a toll in the nation’s development strategies as the country realised its shortage of ample foreign resources to support its strategy. Hence, the national government chose to open up to foreign tourists who bring foreign exchange reserves to the national treasury. This essay makes a conclusion that tourism today is considered as a part of international trade and is often compared with exports that an economy is involved in. This is because tourism results to an accumulation of foreign exchange reserves within a nation thus propping it up to participate in other economic activities. Hence, China has been acting upon to enhance its trade ties with other nations. This is because better the participation of a nation in trade with its peers more will its popularity grow opening up its chances to attract more tourists.

Performance Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Performance Evaluation - Essay Example In this context, continuous performance evaluation plays a significant role for determining the merit or worth of a program or solution. The ultimate purpose of determining the value is to provide the information to the top level managers, for formulating action-oriented decisions that helps in enhancing performance of programs and organizations. As stated by Guerra-Lopez (2008), â€Å"every component driven by the evaluation must be aligned with the organizations’ expectations and objectives and the decisions that will have to be made as a result of the evaluation findings† (Guerra-Lopez, 2008). Evaluation of performance helps in comparing the result with expectation. It also assists in preparing action plans for improving the programs and solutions being analyzed, so that expected performance is achieved and sustained as well as organizational contributions and objectives can be realized. Job description and performance appraisal are the important parts of performance evaluation. Performance evaluation can be performed for any operating objectives of an organization but here employees’ performance evaluation with respect to their job and performance appraisal of McDonald’s will be conducted. T... The company also employs a considerable number of around 1.7 million people in its chain of restaurants (McDonald’s Corporation, 2010). With these given virtues and with due consideration to the organizational objectives, performance evaluation can apparently be stated as a vital aspect in McDonald’s. McDonald's being in a service-oriented industry, the company requires providing significant consideration to the aspect of employee satisfaction and productivity with the purpose to attain superior customer satisfaction. Attaining sustainable growth through employee satisfaction and quality services to customers is among the most crucial objectives considered by the organization at present (McDonald’s Corporation, 2010). Therefore, it becomes quite essential for the organization to focus on the continuous performance evaluation of its employees and the organization as well so as to identify the continuous change in the customers’ preferences and the employee performances. Compensation Strategy In this competitive market, it has become quite challenging task for the employers to acquire and sustain productive, knowledgeable and talented manpower, especially in the service sector so as to gain sustainable growth. With due consideration to the fact that employees in terms of human resources are quite significant for organizational growth, training and evaluation have emerged to be the prime concern of the Human Resource Department (HRD). It is in this context that Human Resource Management (HRM) approaches are being provided with greater stress in order to enhance the contribution of employees in the overall organizational

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Neuroimaging of the Acute Stroke Patient Case Study

Neuroimaging of the Acute Stroke Patient - Case Study Example This research tells that Alice is a 72-year-old woman who lives with her husband in an apartment. At 11:30 pm on a Thursday night, her husband called the ambulance because his wife was exhibiting some unusual symptoms. The first symptom was that his wife was sitting in front of the gas oven, continuously turning it on and off and saying that she needed to be there in order to keep warm. It was a humid night, so Alice’s husband was surprised that she appeared to feel cold. The second symptom was that Alice did not appear to recognize her husband, and kept mumbling to the oven rather than engaging in conversation with her husband. When the ambulance arrived, it was observed that Alice was pale and still dressed in her nightgown. Although she tried to get to her feet, she was unable to pull herself up. As such, being pale was a third symptom, while lacking motor control was a fourth. Alice’s medical history was mostly straightforward and there was little indication of any major aspects that would have an influence on the symptoms that she was showing. Alice is retired but remains active in the community by being involved in volunteer groups and acting as a teacher for children within the area. She has not had any significant health complications, aside from breaking her leg several years ago in a car accident. She has no history of falls and her husband considers her to be in good health. She is not currently on any medication.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Gender and Sexual Studies - Female Masculinity Research Paper

Gender and Sexual Studies - Female Masculinity - Research Paper Example The issue of masculinity brings out notions of power, privilege and legitimacy. It symbolizes the power of state and unequal distribution of property. It represents the inheritance and social privileges across gender and sexuality. Culture and society tends to ignore and discourage female masculinity and yet is highly attentive on male femininity. â€Å"Issues of gender inequality are perpetuated by the patriarchal nature of our society that permits male domination and female subordination† (Kambarami, 2006). This has largely been influenced throughout the process of socialization. Researchers, community organizers and law enforcers who concern themselves with anti-LGB (-lesbian, -gay and –bisexual) prejudice and discrimination tend to conflate those aspects that target sexual orientation with other issues of gender non nonconformity (Gordon, 2007). Gender nonconformity is defined as â€Å"An outward appearance or gender expression that does not conform to the traditio nal laws of gender† (Gordon, 2007). It is attributed with experiences of sexual minority and behaviors that deviate from the expected gender roles. The gender nonconformity incidences were discovered to occur in the societal set up and were mostly perpetrated in the family, in schools, religious settings like a church and in the corporate world like in a public retail setting (Gordon, 2007). This gives evidence of the roles played by the society through its basic institutions on the issues of gender and sexuality. There are various contexts in which the society shapes women to femininity. It sets boundaries for women that are morally acceptable according to cultural norms and customs. There is interplay between femininity, sexuality and culture (Kambarami, 2006). Culture impacts feminine sexuality negatively by imprisoning women to subordination of patriarchy which consequently renders them powerless to control their sexuality. Feminists define patriarchy as â€Å"A social sy stem in which men tend to over rule all the social responsibilities as women remain in subordination† (Kambarami, 2006). An example of a social setting where feminism is highly displayed and culturally manipulated is in the family. The socialization process differentiates the boy and girl child at a very tender age. The boys are oriented to view themselves as the family heads and breadwinners whereas the girls are trained to be obedient and submissive housekeepers (Kambarami, 2006). This consequently displays women as sexual beings and not human beings, where they are being defined in relation to men therefore dependent to them always. The society instills in women qualities such as gentleness, passivity and submission in order to always please men (Kambarami, 2006). In our culture for example when a girl attains the puberty age, she receives endless teachings on how to please and maintain her future husband by being a submissive wife. She is further exposed to issues of her s exuality and how best to utilize it for male’s benefit. The teachings encourage dependency where a woman ultimately cannot support themselves in absence of the husband. They observe a male figure with great awe for provision and cannot survive alone in the case of the husband’s death but have to remarry. The society values the male child more than the female. The foundation of this is in the family where a boy child rules a girl child by the right of birth. He

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Black Images In Film Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Black Images In Film - Movie Review Example The film deconstructs the image of the black man and the idea of the slave that is the added burden of his image (that Griffith actually justifies using Woodrow Wilson's writings in "A History of the American People". La ltima cena reveals the Calibn theme (the Hegelian master-slave ideology), colonizer and colonized binary, which is mainly influenced by the Cuban poet Roberto Fernndez Retamar's 1971 essay on Cuban revolutionary aesthetics, entitled 'Caliban'. Apart from that Caliban is an important symbol for postcolonial Cuba, since it gives a voice to the slave and allows an inversion of gaze where the "Other" finally speaks in his own language, desperately usurped by the master. Caliban was the name of the half-man half-fish in Shakespeare's "Tempest", a direct metaphor of the anthropological 'cannibals', that served as a landmark discourse for justifying the colonial rule which aimed at civilizing the savages, mainly the African Americans or the blacks. Thus the Calibn theme is of particular historical interest within the Latin America cinema of the seventies, where it was seen as symbolic of colonialism and enslavement.3 However, unlike 'The Seventh Seal', which looks Christian on the surfa ce but is actually existential, 'The Last Supper' has an existential approach for grappling at Christian salvation through an anatomy of slavery. Thus, when an enlightened and pious aristocrat (a White) attempts to celebrate the Last Supper with his slaves, the hideous relationship between the class system and the religious establishment is made to question. The film explore and adopt an experimental approach to the problem of historical truth. Alea's black comedy, La ultima cena achieve an allegorical quality which becomes a distinctive trait of the entire movement: the ability to speak of subjects on more than one level at the same time, of the present while talking of the past, for example, or of politics while talking of religion. At the same time, the exploration of these themes quickly left the aesthetic of neorealism behind, as directors and cinematographers sought to create a visual style, which matched the legendary qualities of the subject matter. The Last Supper is a caus tic, anti-religious social satire and role-playing gets drunkenly out of hand, the result is a slave rebellion -- and it is time for property ownership to reassert its place of precedence in the scheme of things. During Holy Week at the end of the eighteenth century, a count visits his Havana sugar mill on a day a slave has run away. The count tells his cruel overseer, Don Manuel, to pick 12 slaves who will be guests at the count's table. Don Manuel objects, but to no avail. The twelfth guest is the recaptured runaway. During the dinner, using religious analogies, the count lectures his guests on the perfect happiness possible in slavery. They in turn tell stories and make requests. He promises no work on Good Friday, but he leaves early that morning and Don Manuel rousts the slaves for a long day cutting cane. They rebel. Which side will the count take D. W. Griffith's The Birth of a Nation (1915) has been defined as a domestic melodrama; a landmark epic that originally was originally called The Clansman.. What makes the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Essay Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Assignment - Essay Example Therefore, the government and private sector must work hand in hand in order to enhance cyber security. The government is justified in telling the private sector how to enhance or improve cyber security because there is urgent need to protect and secure our processors/computers , financial institutions, confidential information on national security and other significant aspects of the governments infrastructure (Kirby n.p). The government is calling on a tough government regulation of what is posted in the cyber space. The government understands that the computer systems needs to be secure because of the ever increasing function of information and the rapid growth in e-commerce area have made cyber security significant to the economy. In addition, cyber security is important to the functioning of safety essential systems like response to an emergency and to the guard of government’s infrastructure systems. The private sector have been opposing governments efforts to impose stricter regulation of cyber security but it is of great significance to protect the telecommunication sector and electric grid that is in the hands of the private sector. If a United States of America enemy attacked the computer system or networks that control these sectors, private organizations that own them would have to handle these network themselves without government’s aid. Such a situation will leave the United States of America infrastructure exposed and vulnerable in case of cyber war with its enemies (Kirby n.p). Private sectors should understand that the world has changed and that we are in an information society where data or information matters, therefore, as organizations, this makes them the front line not the support system in influencing and determining what is exposed or disseminated. The government released that private industry has been lacking behind in cyber security and that

Friday, August 23, 2019

Food Retailing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Food Retailing - Research Paper Example Cereal forms an important part of the food industry. Kellogg contains cereal like fiber and whole grain. Cereals are the world’s most important sources of food industry. US is the largest production of cereals, the average production per 1000 metric tons in the US is 334,554 in the year 2001. The output of cereal globally is expected to be 2219 million tons in the year 2009, 2008 experienced a decreased by 3% (UN News, â€Å"UN News Centre†). Agricultural production Food marketing Value added components The value added components of the product Kellogg’s consists of some important cereals which are essential is day to day of life for all age group. Kellogg consists of cereals like whole grains, fiber, minerals and vitamins. Main ingredients and define The main ingredients in Kellogg’s contain fiber, whole grain, vitamins and minerals. Fiber is considered to be healthy for hearts. A diet which is high in fiber ensures all around wellness of the family. Acco rding to the Institute of Medicine, recommendation on fiber is mainly based on age and gender. But it seems like people fall short to achieve the goals as most of the people are losing out the benefits of fiber such as promoting good digestive and keeping the heart healthy. Therefore in order to help the people to overcome such issues, Kellogg have introduced delicious cereals such as All-Bran, Corn pops, Raisin Bran and other such products which aims to provide good and excellent sources of fiber (Kellogg’s, â€Å"Nutrition†). Whole grain has been defined by American Association of Cereal Chemists also known as A.A.C.C., whole grain consists of ground, intact, flaked or cracked whose main components i.e. anatomical components includes the germ, bran and starchy endosperm which are present in the same proportion as in intact caryopsis (Marquart & McIntosh, p.138) . Supply Chain Manufacturing/ processing The Supply chain encompasses all the activities which are associat ed with the transformation and flow of the goods from raw materials to the end users. In the global supply chain management the manufacturing and distribution facilities are scattered all around the world. Figure 1: Supply Chain of Cereals (Source: Radrigue, â€Å"The Geography of Transport Systems†) Storage/ Delivery The above figure explains the supply chain process that takes place in case of cereals. The cereals are processed and manufactured and then they are stored and distributed on to the stores. The cereals are packaged properly with proper label and then they are transported to the retailers. Supply chain of the company Kellogg’s is a well known brand and delivers all the essential requirements for the day to day activities of life through its product. The business primarily focuses on creation of profit but also keeping the environmental and social impact to a high importance. Kellogg’s believes that by acting responsible through supply chain through which the company aims to reduce energy as well as emission in the manufacturing and also distribution and improving the packaging of the product. Kellogg’s supply chain consists of three sectors which are the primary, secondary and the tertiary sector. The process includes a range of agencies which includes the quality, research, sales, purchasing, distribution and transport. As an essential part of the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Case for Analysis Marching Towards Market Essay Example for Free

Case for Analysis Marching Towards Market Essay Introduction Whirlpool Corporation is a Fortune 500 company and a global manufacturer and marketer of major home appliances, with annual sales of approximately $20 billion. Whirlpool entered the Indian market in the late 80s, and had entrenched itself as a formidable player in the Indian home appliances market by the mid 1990s, with a comprehensive product portfolio covering washing machines, refrigerator, microwave ovens and air conditioners. Today, Whirlpool is one of the most recognized brand in home appliances in India and holds a market share of over 20%. While Whirlpool is an acknowledged player in many of the water purifier markets across the world for the past several years now, Whirlpool entered the growing water purifier market in India in 2008. Given its focus on â€Å"attaining market leadership through Customer loyalty†, Whirlpool aspires to be the market leader in the water purifier market by 2012. This case presents the situation of the water purifier market in India, and poses challenges that Whirlpool will have to overcome to achieve its vision of becoming the market leaders. Drinking Water : A perspective Even as world bodies and governments across the continents are strategizing to manage the growth humanity in a holistically sustainable manner, availability of safe drinking is a major area of concern for all. As high as 884 Mn people in the world do not have access to safe water. This is roughly  one in eight of the worlds population. 1.4 million children die every year from diarrhoea caused by unclean water and poor sanitation one child every 20 seconds. Approximately 80% of diseases in India are caused by water borne micro organisms. This is true in rural as well as urban India. However, awareness of health risks linked to unsafe water The use of water can be broadly divided in to two major categories, namely for Consumption (drinking, cooking etc) and Sanitation. This case focuses on water used for drinking purposes. A brief on Water Treatment methods Throughout human history, different methods of treating water before consumption have been devised. Up until about 100 years ago, it was always found that water flowing from natural springs was safe for drinking in its natural state, but in the 21 century even spring water is first scientifically tested before it is recommended or bottled for drinking. Each of the above methods carries with them significant disadvantages either from a convenience point of view or from health and hygiene perspective. This calls for more sophisticated methods of purifying water, to suit with the evolving lifestyles in the societies. Current State-of-the-Art Water Purification Technologies Today, the more sophisticated and commercially available water purifying technologies are, †¢ †¢ †¢ Manual fill Purifier (Drip Type) Ultra Violet (UV) purification Reverse Osmosis (RO) purification The latter two are generally referred to as Electronic Water Purifier technologies (EWP); by exception, the first one is referred to as Non EWP.  The above three are given in the order of chronological evolution, with RO technology being the latest in the Water Purification technology. The manual fill purifiers do not run on electricity, which is a scarce resource in many parts of rural India, and also have significantly lower costs in comparison to the EWPs. Interestingly , these manual fill purifiers which primarily use chlorine or UF technology are at par in performance with UV in terms of microbial protection. UV has been the oldest technology in the industry. It typically involves preliminary stages of filtration, followed by treating the filtered water through UV rays to deactivate the microbial organisms.   In the RO technology, even the smallest of microbial organisms are filtered using the reverse osmosis technology. RO technology especially scores over UV when the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) count in the source water is high . One disadvantage of RO systems is the wastage of significant quantum of water during its processing. Needless to say, the costs of the products under these different technologies increase from manual fill purifiers to UV purification systems to RO purification. The typical price range of manual fill purifier products is Rs. 1500 to Rs. 3500, while the UV products range in price between Rs. 4000 to Rs. 9000. The RO products are priced on the higher side starting from Rs. 8000 to Rs. 20000. Many products available in the market today in India use a combination of technologies but for the products in the lower end technologies (manual fill purifiers). Water Purifier Market in India The delivery of purified water in the Indian markets follow two conduits, namely, water purified in purification plants delivered to residences and other consumption locations (e.g. restaurants) in cans; and installation of water purification instruments at the place of usage. While the former  One of the oldest methods of treating water, and one still used constantly in Third World and often in developing nations or areas that have seen recent natural disasters, is boiling to kill microbes (but this causes loss of taste and may leave in dirt). Other methods of water treatment include filtering and distilling, use of chemical agents such as Iodine or Silver or Potassium Permanganate into the water supply, or the use of candle filters. methodology predominantly uses multiple technologies mentioned above, provides economies of scale and eliminates initial costs of investing in equipments, the costs involved in distribution of the treated water counters these economies of scale. The l atter provides for visibility and ease of use, which are significant perceived benefits in comparison to the former. While both the delivery mechanisms exist, the latter is fast catching up. This case focuses on the latter, which is typically referred to as the Water Purifier industry. This industry is broadly divided in to two categories namely Electronic Water Purifiers (EWP) comprising of products using UV or/and RO technologies and Non Electronic Water Purifiers (Non EWP) comprising of products that use the manual fill purifiers. Frost and Sullivan report of primary research in 2009, estimates the total market size of the Water Purifier industry in India to be 2000 Cr of which 63% is from product sales and 37% is after sales revenue. Despite the size of this industry, the Water Purifier industry in India has a low penetration (2% Urban and 0.5% All India) as per IRS 2007 and is growing at a strong rate (others use traditional water treatment methods like boiling and filtering, or use of chemical additives like Chlorine, Potassium permanganate etc). As per AC Nielson 2006 study( and internal estimates), the industry is expected to touch approx 2.3 mn units by the end of 2009. Expected growth rate of 15% and a CAGR (‘04-‘09) 21%. The average ASV of the industry is Rs 6700. With a size of approx 1.7mn (units), the EWP market is divided into 2 sub-segments – RO (30% sal) UV (70%). The RO segment is the premium end of the category and has an ASV of Rs 12000 while UV has an ASV of Rs. 7000 .RO UV growths , CAGRs(‘04-‘09) are (15% ,16%) and (10% ,10%) respectively. The Non-EWP segment operates at a sub 2K ASV (Rs 1900). This segment is witnessing an explosive growth with the entrance major players like HUL etc . The Annual growth rate was witnessed at 25% while CAGR(‘04-‘09) at 77%. It is important to note that the technology sold in a given local market is also dependent largely on the characteristics of the source drinking water in the given demography. For example, a region like Delhi with high TDS calls for RO technology, while regions like Cochin with low TDS would depend on products with UV technology. Also, one of the detriments to EWP products is the availability of continuous flow of source water and availability of power, both of which advantages are addressed the products dependent on Manual Fill Purifier technology. While the major element of the market in the water purifier equipment business in India is still in the unorganized sector, branded products are catching up and their market share is improving. The major branded players in the market are Eureka Forbes (AquaGuard, AquaSure brands), Kent, Philips, HUL (Pureit), Ion Exchange (Zero B) Ushabrita and Whirlpool (Purafresh). As per Frost and Sullivan report 2009 , Market share by player and by technology- Approx Shares ( for 2008) Eureka Forbes: RO(20%) , UV(35%) , Drip Type(33%) Kent: RO(25%) , UV(0%) , Drip Type(0%) ZeroB: RO(15%) , UV(0%) , Drip Type(0%) HUL : RO(0%) , UV(0%) , Drip Type(42%) OTH: RO(40%) , UV(65%) , Drip Type(25%) The Non-EWP segment was primarily dominated by local players until recently, when HUL entered the category with its drip type purifier under the brand Pureit at a break through price of Rs 1800 and took the market by storm. The other key players in this segment are Ushabrita Eureka Forbes. The channel for this segment has traditionally been the Direct to Home (DTH) route, with this route still accounting for a whopping 65% of the product sales in this category. The ratio of Eureka Forbes’ DTH sales is higher at 75%. On the trade side(contribution bal 35%), the DAP channel (Domestic Appliances Products) accounts for the larger proportion of the share with 65% while the Durable Trade accounts for the remaining 35%. The DAP Channel mainly consists of small appliance sellers  who sell products like iron , blenders , mixers , gas burners etc. These retailers primarily sell products which lie within the price range of Rs 500-Rs 5000. They are typically not in the prime locations in the market place and their shopfloor size is on an avg10X10ft. The products are displayed mostly in a packed form. The products are sold very close to the MRP and the discounts offered are in the range of only 5-10% HUL has made an entry through a unique channel. It has opened up a large number of ‘Water Safe Zones’ / â€Å"Product Experience Centres’ and is pushing the volumes from there while catering to direct to home service as well While HUL is establishing itself in the entry level segment through consistent advertising and promotions , the more established players in UV RO like Eureka Kent too are active in the media space and are seen promoting their products through several media elements. Recently, HUL was seen rolling out a ‘Rs 1 Crore’ challenge offer and heavily promoting the same. At the same time Eureka Forbes was also seen throwing a ‘Money Back Guarantee’ offer on its products. Eureka Forbes operates with a strong sales service force of 6000 people on the company rolls along with an equally large group of third party franchises. The company has been under pressure to expand its volumes since the avg the productivity of its sales team has come down over years. Lately, they have been seen heavily focussing on retail through their ‘Aquasure’ brand while the ‘Aquaguard’ brand is operating in the DTH section. Kent has its own sales service set up in Northern India while it depends on third party franchises for its operation in the rest of the country. It has branch offices in 6 cities (AP , Karnataka, Kerala , Mumbai , Gujarat , West Bengal). In order to counter HUL’s explosive growth, Kent recently rolled out a NON-EWP (UF based) purifier at a price of Rs 2500 under the sub-brand  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Kent Gold’. This product is being primarily marketed through the retail channel. HUL has set up its Safe water zones with external KSPs ( Key service providers) while continuing to have its internal sales team supervising the operations . In Delhi for example , it has 27 such zones with a sales team of 750 sales men, 17 Territory sales executives (TSE) , 3 business development executives (BDE) , 1 area head.(AH) and 2 service officers . The TSEs, BDEs AH are on company rolls. The following table summarizes the typical product price points in the various segments. Price range (In Rs) Unorganized 1500-2500 4000-6000 8000-12000 Organized 2000 – 3500 6000-9000 8000-20000 Whirlpool Not Applicable Not Applicable 12500-20500 Segment Non EWP Ultra Violet (UV) Reverse Osmosis (RO) Whirlpool’s entry in the Water Purifier Market in India Whirlpool has been present in the Water category in all the key regions of the world including US, Canada, NAR, Europe, Brazil, Mexico Asia in several value added segments like water heaters, bottled water dispensers, water softeners , Refrigerator filters etc. Whirlpool entered the Water Purifier Market in India in the early 2008 to tap in to the growing Water Purifier Market, focused on the RO segment to start with, with the launch of the Purafresh range of purifiers. Currently, Whirlpool Water Purifier products are available across all markets in the country. Whirlpool has garnered a Market Share of 5% in the RO segment in the past 1  ½ years. The Water purifier category is a perfect brand fit for Whirlpool. It is a home appliance used by the home maker to provide safe and pure drinking water to her family, thus building a strong case of placing trust in the brand. This category will lend a lot of credibility to the Whirlpool brand. Whirlpool’s communication strategy also revolves around reinforcing this element of Trust. Equipped with Whirlpool’s patented 6th Sense technology, the new ‘Purafresh’ water purifier is the first Reverse Osmosis system on the market that not only purifies but also protects the purity and freshness of the water with its prestigious gold seal certification (from GOLD Seal of Water Quality Association, USA WQA). Purafresh is available in three models – Purafresh Platinum, Purafresh Elite and Purafresh Deluxe. Trigger Questions for Analysis Given the situation described above, suggest a comprehensive â€Å"Go-To-Market† plan following a systematic methodology for Whirlpool to achieve its overall objective of achieving market leadership in the Water Purifier Market (in the organized sector) by 2012, and its interim goal of achieving market leadership in the RO segment, ensuring its premium brand image, and its operational philosophies (given in the annexure for ready reference). A) Understanding and presentation by a Systematic methodology. B)Inputs: Should reflect comprehensive understanding of the company and competitive environment. 1) Analyze company development , history, Growths. 2) Identify Strengths , weaknesses , 3) Analysis of external environment (Porter 5 forces , SWOT etc) C) Outputs: Understating should result in output 1) Strategy on all 4 P’s 2) Channel Strategy ( Spl Focus) a) Evaluation of SWOT b) Key market insights c) Business Level Strategy d) Recommendations (including articulation of hypothesis) e) innovative approach especially in the communication/promotion strategy Phase II Build a detailed business plan arising out of the above strategic plan, and project the profitability of this business over time, including investments that may be required for new products and their market entries, while achieving this objective. Recommendation evaluated by 1) Strategy 2) Product choice 2) Financials ( volumes, Margins , costs , etc) 3) Process of executing strategy 4) Innovative approach/ideas. {In the first phase, the second phase question and related references should not be circulated} Whirlpools high end Purafresh platinum model, is Indias first and Only Direct Flow RO with no storage tank enabling immediate consumption of freshly purified water with 72 litres per hour capacity (Normal RO products have 8-10 litres per hour capacity). It has an advanced 5-stage purification process and also boasts of a first–of–its–kind electronic interface with a Filter change indicator, which alerts the consumer on the need to change the filter and thus ensures continual purity protection of the water. Other diagnostics functions like no water on tap indication, self cleaning mode indication, and water extraction indication makes it the most advanced and best in class product available in the Indian market today. Whirlpool entered the Indian market mainly leveraging their strength in the durable retail channel and has the highest share (30%) of all Water Purifier sales in this channel. Whirlpool has also entered the DAP Channel and are currently having a 10% share in that channel. The â€Å"Surging to Lead† Challenge Given its focus on â€Å"attaining market leadership through Customer loyalty†, Whirlpool aspires to be the market leader in the water purifier market by 2012, with an interim goal of attaining market leadership in the RO segment by 2010, while at the same time maintaining its brand position. This, no doubt, is a challenging aspiration for Whirlpool, given the well entrenched players in the market like Eureka Forbes, aggressive players like HUL who is focused on tapping the market at the â€Å"Bottom of the Pyramid† and a large unorganized market who would significantly benefit from the growth fuelled by these players. However, Whirlpool has to its advantage of its strong brand position in the hearts and minds of the home makers, and a strong, well established channel in the white goods market. The challenge for Whirlpool is to leverage its strengths, and perhaps work out completely innovative market strategies if it has to achieve its intent of becoming a  market lea der in the Water Purifier Market in general, and that in the RO segment. Annexure : A brief about Whirlpool Whirlpool, right from its inception in 1911 as first commercial manufacturer of motorized washers to the current market position of being worlds number one manufacturer and marketer of major home appliances, has always set industry milestones and benchmarks. The parent company is headquartered at Benton Harbor, Michigan, USA with a global presence in over 170 countries and manufacturing operation in 13 countries with 11 major brand names such as Whirlpool, KitchenAid, Roper, Estate, Bauknecht, Laden and Ignis. The company boasts of resources and capabilities beyond achievable feat of any other in the industry. Whirlpool initiated its international expansion in 1958 by entering Brazil. However, it emerged as truly global leader in the1980s. This encouraging trend brought the company to India in the late 1980s. It forayed into the market under a joint venture with TVS group and established the first Whirlpool manufacturing facility in Pondicherry. Soon Whirlpool acquired Kelvinator India Limited in 1995 and marked an entry into Indian refrigerator market as well. The same year also saw acquisition of major share in TVS joint venture and later in 1996, Kelvinator and TVS acquisitions were merged to create Indian home appliance leader of the future, Whirlpool India. This expanded the companys portfolio in the Indian subcontinent to washing machines, refrigerator, microwave ovens and air conditioners. Today, Whirlpool is the most recognized brand in home appliances in India and holds a market share of over 20%. The company owns three state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities at Faridabad, Pondicherry and Pune. Each of these manufacturing set-ups features an infrastructure that is witness of Whirlpools commitment to consumer interests and advanced  technology. In the year ending in March 09, the annual turnover of the company for its Indian enterprise was Rs.1,719 Crores. The companys brand and image speaks of its commitment to the homemaker from every aspect of its functioning. It has derived its functioning principles out of an undaunted partnership with the homemakers and thus a slogan of â€Å"You and whirlpool, the worlds best homemaker† dots its promotional campaigns. The products are engineered to suit the requirements of smart, confident and in-control homemaker who knows what she wants. The product range is designed in a way that it employs unique technology and offers consumer relevant solutions. Whirlpool Corporation : Vision and Mission Whirlpools pervasive vision, â€Å"Every Home, everywhere, with pride, passion and performance†, rests on the pillars of innovation, operational excellence, customer-centric approach and diversified talent. These are embedded within our business goals, strategy, processes and work culture. Be it our products that are the result of innovation and operational excellence to meet every need of our consumers or the people behind these products that come from a wide spectrum of backgrounds, everything we do features a distinct Whirlpool way. Core Competencies Innovation: Unique and compelling solutions valued by our customers and aligned to our brands create competitive advantage and differentiated shareholder value. Operational Excellence (OPEX): A methodology for solving problems continuous improvement of products processes through pursuit, acquisition, and utilization of knowledge using critical thought and planned experimentation helps us achieve operational excellence. Customer Excellence: Excelling the customer expectation from the company, its brands,  products and services are a three-step process. The three steps are: Know a customer, Be a customer, Serve a customer. Knowing a customer helps us know who our customers are, how to treat them, how we add value, and what the drivers of brand loyalty are. This information is gathered from the customers data base history. This way we are better able to customize products for them and recommend the right product to solve problems. Being a customer is important to share customer knowledge and insights, drive actions based on customer insights, be passionate about our brands and customer loyalty and provide a positive voice for our brands. We show empathy for customers and seek to resolve their problems by creating consistent customer touch-points, with our endeavour always being to provide unique solutions for the customer . Whirlpool Corporations Transformation Agenda Whirlpool is transforming into a completely customer-centred company where the customer lies in the core of every of our functions. This focus has arrived as direct consequence of our core IDEATE up of five elements: competency of customer excellence. It allows us to build Customer Loyalty. The transformation is made The elements of the transformation hold the promise of making Whirlpool a growing company and thereby increasing value for our shareholders. The five  elements are the basis for describing our strategy internally and guide the development of our plans and initiatives. Whirlpool has swiftly moved from being a World Class Manufacturer to a World Class Marketer using the brand-building framework. We are dedicated to creating unique branded solutions that build customer loyalty and achieve brand excellence.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Shared Talking Styles Essay Example for Free

Shared Talking Styles Essay Communications General Communications Use the ProQuest database to locate and read the article entitled, â€Å"Shared Talking Styles Herald New and Lasting Romance†. Then, visit the Language Style Matching website and, using sample written communication between you and another person, follow the directions on the website to retrieve your language style matching score. Write a two-page paper (excluding title and reference pages) about your thoughts on this article and your language style matching score. In your paper, be sure to address the following: Do you think the results provide by the Language Style Matching website are accurate? Why or why not? Do you believe that language style matching is a comprehensive way to predict the quality of interpersonal relationships? Find a bank that offers free savings and checking accounts. Look around and go with an establishment that works often with students and doesnt charge you extra for a bunch of little things. Ask questions and find out if you can bank online so that you can manage your money when it is convenient for you.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Artificial Intelligence In Antivirus Detection System Computer Science Essay

Artificial Intelligence In Antivirus Detection System Computer Science Essay Abstract- Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques have played increasingly important role in antivirus detection. At present, some principal artificial intelligence techniques applied in antivirus detection are proposed, including heuristic technique, data mining, agent technique, artificial immune, and artificial neural network. It believes that it will improve the performance of antivirus detection systems, and promote the production of new artificial intelligence algorithm and the application in antivirus detection to integrate antivirus detection with artificial intelligence. This paper introduces the main artificial intelligence technologies,especially Heuristic which have been applied in antivirus system. Meanwhile, it also points out a fact that combining all kinds of artificial intelligence technologies will become the main development trend in the field of antivirus. Keywords- Anti-virus,Artificial Intelligence,Data mining,Heuristic,Neural network Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the branch of computer science which deals with intelligence of machines where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions which maximize its chances of success.It has numerous applications like robotics,medicine,Finance,Space. One of the most recent one is antivirus softwares. Here we give details regarding heuristic method used in antivirus software. Malware and its types Malware (malicious software) is software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owners informed consent. Malware types We can distinguish quite few malicious software types. It is important to be aware that nevertheless all of them have similar purpose, each one behave differently. Viruses Worms Wabbits Trojan horses Exploits/Backdoors Spyware Due to different behaviour, each malware group uses alternative ways of being undetected. This forces anti-virus software producers to develop numerous solutions and countermeasures for computer protection. This paper focuses on methods used especially for virus detection, not necessarily effective against other types of malicious software. Infection Strategies To better understand how viruses are detected and recognized, it is essential to divide them by their infection ways. A. Non Resident Viruses The simplest form of viruses which dont stay in memory, but infect founded executable file and search for another to replicate. Resident viruses More complex and efficient type of viruses which stay in memory and hide their presence from other processes. Kind of TSR apps. Fast infectors type which is designed to infect as many files as possible. Slow infectors using stealth and encryption techniques to stay undetected outlast. Methods Used A. Metaheuristic Metaheuristic is a heuristic method for solving a very general class of computational problems by combining user-given black-box procedures in a hopefully efficient way. Metaheuristics are generally applied to problems for which there is no satisfactory problem-specific algorithm or heuristic. B. Heuristic Heuristic is a method to help solve a problem, commonly an informal method. It is particularly used to rapidly come to a solution that is reasonably close to the best possible answer. General Heuristics It is important to remember that metaheuristics are only ideas to solve a problem not a specific way to do that. List below shows main metaheuristics used for virus detection and recognition: Pattern matching Automatic learning Environment emulation Neural networks Data mining Bayes networks Hidden Markov models Concrete Heuristics Specific heuristics practically used in virus detection and recognition, are naturally inherited from metaheuristics. And so, for example concrete method for virus detection using neural networks can be implementation of SOM (Self Organizing Map). Neural Networks (metaheuristic) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ SOM (heuristic). The most popular, and one of most efficient heuristic used by anti-virus software is technique called Heuristic Scanning. Lacks in Specific Detection Great deal of modern viruses are only slightly changed versions of few conceptions developed years ago. Specific detection methods like signature scanning became very efficient ways of detecting known threats. Finding specific signature in code allows scanner to recognize every virus which signature has been stored in built-in database. BB ?2 B9 10 01 81 37 ?2 81 77 02 ?2 83 C3 04 E2 F2 FireFly virus signature(hexadecimal) Problem occurs when virus source is changed by a programmer or mutation engine. Signature is being malformed due to even minor changes. Virus may behave in an exactly same way but is undetectable due to new, unique signature. BB ?2 B9 10 01 81 37 ?2 81 A1 D3 ?2 01 C3 04 E2 F2 Malformed signature(hexadecimal) Heuristic Scanning We can recognise a virus without examining its structure by its behaviour and characteristics. Heuristic scanning in its basic form is implementation of three metaheuristics: Pattern matching Automatic learning Environment emulation The basic idea of heuristic scanning is to examine assembly language instruction sequences(step-by-step) and qualify them by their potential harmfulness. If there are sequences behaving suspiciously, program can be qualified as a virus. The phenomenon of this method is that it actually detects threats that arent yet known! Fig1. Examination of assembly language sequence A. Recognising Potential Threat In real anti-virus software, heuristic scanning is implemented to recognize threats by following built-in rules, e.g. if program tries to format hard drive its behaviour is highly suspicious but it can be only simple disk utility. Singular suspicion is never a reason to trigger the alarm. But if the same program also tries to stay resident and contains routine tosearch for executables, it is highly probable that its a real virus. AV software very often classifies sequences by their behaviour granting them a flag. Every flag has its weight, if total values for one program exceeds a predefined threshold, scanner regards it as virus. Fig.2. Single-layer classifier with threshold Heuristics Flags Some scanners set a flag for each suspected ability which has been found in the file being analyzed. This makes it easier to explain to the user what has been found. TbScan for instance recognizes many suspected instruction sequences. Every suspected instruction sequence has a flag assigned to it. A. Flag Description: F = Suspicious file access. Might be able to infect a file. R = Relocator. Program code will be relocated in a suspicious way. A = Suspicious Memory Allocation. The program uses a non-standard way to search for, and/or allocate memory. N = Wrong name extension. Extension conflicts with program structure. S = Contains a routine to search for executable (.COM or .EXE) files. # = Found an instruction decryption routine. This is common for viruses but also for some protected software. E = Flexible Entry-point. The code seems to be designed to be linked on any location within an executable file. Common for viruses. L = The program traps the loading of software. Might be a virus that intercepts program load to infect the software. D = Disk write access. The program writes to disk without using DOS. M = Memory resident code. This program is designed to stay in memory. ! = Invalid opcode (non-8088 instructions) or out-of-range branch. T = Incorrect timestamp. Some viruses use this to mark infected files. J = Suspicious jump construct. Entry point via chained or indirect jumps. This is unusual for normal software but common for viruses. ? = Inconsistent exe-header. Might be a virus but can also be a bug. G = Garbage instructions. Contains code that seems to have no purpose other than encryption or avoiding recognition by virus scanners. U = Undocumented interrupt/DOS call. The program might be just tricky but can also be a virus using a non-standard way to detect itself. Z = EXE/COM determination. The program tries to check whether a file is a COM or EXE file. Viruses need to do this to infect a program. O = Found code that can be used to overwrite/move a program in memory. B = Back to entry point. Contains code to re-start the program after modifications at the entry-point are made. Very usual for viruses. K = Unusual stack. The program has a suspicious stack or an odd stack. Avoiding False Positives Just like all other generic detection techniques, heuristic scanners sometimes blame innocent programs for being contaminated by a virus. This is called a false positive or False Alarm. The reason for this is simple. Some programs happen to have several suspected abilities. If a heuristic scanner pops up with a message saying: This program is able to format a disk and it stays resident in memory, and the program is a resident disk format utility, is this really a false alarm? Actually, the scanner is right. A resident format utility obviously contains code to format a disk, and it contains code to stay resident in memory. The heuristic scanner is therefore completely right! You could name it a false suspicion, but not a false positive. The only problem here is that the scanner says that it might be a virus. If you think the scanner tells you it has found a virus, it turns out to be a false alarm. However, if you take this information as is, saying ok, the facts you reported are true for this program, I can verify this so it is not a virus, I wouldnt count it as a false alarm. The scanner just tells the truth. The main problem here is the person who has to make decisions with the information supplied by the scanner. If it is a novice user, it is a problem. Whether we call it a false positive or a false suspicion doesnt matter. We do not like the scanner to yell every time we scan. So we need to avoid this situation. How do we achieve this? Definition of (combinations of) suspicious abilities Recognition of common program codes Recognition of specific programs Assumption that the machine is initially not infected Performance of Heuristics Scanning Heuristics is a relatively new technique and still under development. It is however gaining importance rapidly. This is not surprising as heuristic scanners are able to detect over 90% of the viruses without using any predefined information like signatures or checksum values. The amount of false positives depends on the scanner, but a figure as low as 0.1% can be reached easily. A false positive test however is more difficult to perform so there are no independent results available. Pros and Cons A. Advantages Can detect future viruses. User is less dependent on product updates. B. Disadvantages False positives are possible. Judgment of the result requires some basic knowledge. Conclusions Thus, artificial intelligence technique helps improving the performance of antivirus softwares. This detection-avoiding method makes detection by conventional anti-virus products easier because it means that the programmer can not use very tight and straight code. The virus writer will be forced to write more complex viruses. Thus artificial intelligence increases the threat to virus writers. Acknowledgment I hereby thank Ms.Padmapriya for encouraging and helping us for the submission of this paper

Essay --

4.0 Market analysis 4.1 Market segmentation and target market selection Our company segment market in demographic features, geographical distribution and behavioural descriptors. By doing so, our company will have a better understanding of our target preference in the industry. This is an important step in order to succeed. First, we segment demographic characteristics in age and income. Our company segments consumers who are teenagers and working adults with middle or high income. This is because teenagers are newly trend people who keep in touch with technology very often. Besides, they are catching up with technology which is in high-tech, innovative and special. Therefore, VeeEye Sdn Bhd will have the opportunity to get into the market. On the other hand, we segment working adults with middle and high income as they have financial ability to purchase our product. Adult workers who are highly educated will get well paid job with middle or high income. Therefore, they are more willing to spend for our product compare to lower income workers as they might not afford to purchase our product. Next, we also segment our consumer in geographical distribution. Geographical area such as Kuala Lumpur and Penang Island in Malaysia will be our target market. This is because both of the states have many industries with big company. Therefore, workers there will be getting higher paid compare to other state worker. With higher salary, they have more ability to purchase our product compare to others. Besides, they will be busy and under stress during their working hours. So, they might travel more frequently during weekend or holiday. Therefore they might need a good camera all the time with them. So, we choose Kuala Lumpur and Penang instea... us easily approach to our target market’s spending behaviour and lifestyle. We have our own office for sell and repairing service. We believe that to get higher reputation from customers; we got to provide a good quality product which customers willing to pay for it and provide a good service such as customer able get free repairing service within 2 years warranted, give the full information and detail to customers and customers could get some discounts base on their order. In order to attract more customers, we have an idea launch our product on the online purchasing website such as Taobao, eBay, Zalora. Even customers from other country have a chance to make an order, we do delivery to them within the period, if more than that period, and the customer only paid us half prices of their order. This is one type of service provided by our company. Essay -- 4.0 Market analysis 4.1 Market segmentation and target market selection Our company segment market in demographic features, geographical distribution and behavioural descriptors. By doing so, our company will have a better understanding of our target preference in the industry. This is an important step in order to succeed. First, we segment demographic characteristics in age and income. Our company segments consumers who are teenagers and working adults with middle or high income. This is because teenagers are newly trend people who keep in touch with technology very often. Besides, they are catching up with technology which is in high-tech, innovative and special. Therefore, VeeEye Sdn Bhd will have the opportunity to get into the market. On the other hand, we segment working adults with middle and high income as they have financial ability to purchase our product. Adult workers who are highly educated will get well paid job with middle or high income. Therefore, they are more willing to spend for our product compare to lower income workers as they might not afford to purchase our product. Next, we also segment our consumer in geographical distribution. Geographical area such as Kuala Lumpur and Penang Island in Malaysia will be our target market. This is because both of the states have many industries with big company. Therefore, workers there will be getting higher paid compare to other state worker. With higher salary, they have more ability to purchase our product compare to others. Besides, they will be busy and under stress during their working hours. So, they might travel more frequently during weekend or holiday. Therefore they might need a good camera all the time with them. So, we choose Kuala Lumpur and Penang instea... us easily approach to our target market’s spending behaviour and lifestyle. We have our own office for sell and repairing service. We believe that to get higher reputation from customers; we got to provide a good quality product which customers willing to pay for it and provide a good service such as customer able get free repairing service within 2 years warranted, give the full information and detail to customers and customers could get some discounts base on their order. In order to attract more customers, we have an idea launch our product on the online purchasing website such as Taobao, eBay, Zalora. Even customers from other country have a chance to make an order, we do delivery to them within the period, if more than that period, and the customer only paid us half prices of their order. This is one type of service provided by our company.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Loss of Dignity in Dulce et Decorum est and Refugee Blues :: essays research papers

Human dignity, every person in the world has at least some sense of human dignity, whether they choose to show it, however pitiful they think they are, every person has sense of dignity, of value. Losing one’s dignity can be painful, more painful than a physical blow. In Dulce et Decorum est, the writer, Wilfred Owen was a soldier fighting in World War One. He is writing about the horrors of being gassed by the enemy after fighting in the front lines, and ‘the old lie’: Dulce et Decorum est Pro Patria Mori, It is sweet and right to die for your country. Refugee Blues was written just before World War Two by W.H. Auden, who is writing about the Jews being exiled from Germany which ultimately ended up with them being hunted down even before the events of the Holocaust actually happened. In both poems, the poems are written in a first person perspective which gives the reader a sense of participation, especially in Refugee Blues, where at the end of each stanza the words ‘my dear’ is written. In Dulce et Decorum est, the initial lines of the poem states that the marching soldiers were, ‘Bent double, like old beggars under sacks, Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,’ this takes the nobility out of war, and of course, giving the readers at that time period a sense of uncertainty to the title of the poem. The young soldiers are pictured to have lost their youth, health, and most importantly, their dignity. This is similar to how the Jews in Refugee Blues were like in the beginning of the poem, where they were homeless and exiled, like beggars, as in most societies beggars are not respected as they cannot support themselves without people giving them money. Therefore beggars must suffer losing their dignity in order to survive. Also, in Dulce et Decorum est, it shows that the soldiers were trying to get away from the front lines, ‘till on the haunting flares we turned our backs’. This is as if they were frightened of what lay behind them due to the word ‘haunting’, and in Refugee Blues this is displayed throughout the entire poem as the Jews were running away from Germany, but is really obvious in the second stanza. Running away from something you fear is also a form of loss of human dignity as it shows that you are frightened of the enemy and that they have power over you.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Coral Bleaching: Potential Mechanisms and Observed Adaptations :: Sea Coral Corals Ecosystem Papers

Coral Bleaching: Potential Mechanisms and Observed Adaptations Coral reefs are the most biologically diverse marine ecosystems. Driving this diversity are cnidarian corals which are obligate mutualistic symbioses between coral animals and dinoflagellate algae of the genus symbiodinium. These algae are commonly called zooxanthellae. This symbiosis between heterotrophic hosts and photosynthetic symbionts allows coral to thrive in nutrient poor seas and deposit calcium carbonate to build reefs (Toller et al. 2001, 348). Coral bleaching occurs when there is a loss of zooxanthellae from their coral host. This is accompanied by loss of a coral's normal color that may or may not be detectable to the human eye. Bleaching can lead to coral death when prolonged, although links between bleaching and subsequent coral recovery or death are not well known. Causes of bleaching have been observed to include salinity, exposure to air, and sedimentation. The primary reasons cited to cause most instances of coral bleaching are increased sea temperatures and solar radiation. These two factors have been observed to cause the most damage in combination (Fitt et al. 2001, 51). The two types of bleaching that result from organism damage or disturbance are algal-stress bleaching and animal-stress bleaching. Algal-stress bleaching is characterized by expulsion of individual zooxanthellae from a host cell. Animal-stress bleaching is characterized by host cell detachment, which is expulsion of zooxanthellae from the coral animal along with the host cell they occupy. Radiation and temperature induced animal-stress bleaching and host cell detachment have not been observed in the field at current sea temperatures. This type of bleaching has only been observed under laboratory conditions (Fitt et al. 2001, 55). A third type of bleaching, physiological bleaching, occurs in an unstressed coral-zooxanthellae holobiont as a method of shedding excess zooxanthellae from host cells. Zooxanthellae density within host cells varies seasonally in this manner. Maximum zooxanthellae density is observed to occur during the coolest season with the lowest solar radiation. The minimum density is observed to occur at the end of the warmest season with the highest solar radiation (Fitt et al. 2001, 54). The temperature at which coral bleaching occurs has been observed to be from 30 to 34 degrees Celsius (Ralph et al. 2001, 163). Solar radiation exacerbates bleaching in this temperature range and can also cause bleaching at ‘normal’ temperatures when at sufficient intensity.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Module Five: The Sacraments Essay

Trace the development of the celebration of the Sacrament of the Eucharist from the early church with special reference to how it is understood and celebrated in the Church since the Second Vatican Council. Assignment: 3. Trace the development of the celebration of the Sacrament of the Eucharist from the early church with special reference to how it is understood and celebrated in the Church since the Second Vatican Council. We all have experience of ‘celebration’. When I think of a celebration what comes to mind are the external factors, the cake, candles, and the food. Sometimes we forget the real meaning of celebration, the story behind the festivity. The celebration of the sacrament of the Eucharist is where we find our story. This essay will outline the development of the celebration of the Sacrament of the Eucharist from the Early Church, paying particular focus on how the Eucharist is celebrated in the church since the Second Vatican Council. Sacraments in the Roman Catholic Church celebrate something, and that something is to do with God’s love and grace, experienced and related to one’s own story. (CCRS notes). Vatican II’s desire was to restore the sacraments back to the centre of Church life. The earliest celebration of the Eucharist were home Masses (Acts 2:46 says ‘they broke bread at home’) even with small numbers these early Christians were establishing the traditions for the future. There is clear evidence of Christ in the Eucharist. There is clear evidence of his unconditional love. What makes the bread sacred is not magic but the reality of the words. (Huebsch 1989). â€Å"For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, â€Å"This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.† In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, â€Å"This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.†(Corinthians 11:23-30) The bread and wine for the early Christians was much more than a meal, it was a coming together of the  community of God, each time a reference is made about the bread or the wine it is a reference to the people of God. For Huebsch the early Christians like us today are accepting the whole community of God when receiving communion, all his people with their strengths and weakness. An important development for the celebration of the Eucharist was the movement from the ‘home Mass’ of the very early Church to the Eucharist of the larger p ublic buildings. The large basilicas allowed for processions. Sunday became a holiday, giving more time for Christians to celebrate. Liturgies became longer and more elaborate. In these early days, the celebrant at the liturgy had considerable freedom to compose their own prayers for the Mass. Soon, however, standardisation set in, as the various communities began to adopt the prayers of their more articulate celebrants. (Kellly:1998) In the Fourth century, Constantine’s toleration of Christianity (313) led to its rapid spread throughout the Roman Empire. This led to significant changes in the celebration of the Liturgy. Latin became the standard language of the liturgy. At first, the assemblies met in basilicas later they built and dedicated churches and the clergy grew in numbers. During this era, they began to wear special clerical clothes. The sacrificial aspect of the Eucharist grew in importance, while the meal symbolism faded into the background (Kelly: 1998). This period stressed Christ’s divinity; this led to the people feeling less worthy to approach the Lord. As a result, there was a decline in the reception of communion. Theologians in the Middle Ages debated the meaning of the â€Å"real presence† of Christ in the Eucharistic bread and wine. They used the term transubstantiation to describe the mystery of the bread and wine being changed into Jesus’ risen body and blood. The stress was on the sacrificial nature of the mass. There was a growing sense that the laity were spectators to a drama unfolding on the altar. This led to a feeling that the consecration was the high point of the Mass. Emphasis fell, not on receiving Jesus in communion, but on seeing and adoring the Eucharistic Lord. Since fewer laity were receiving communion, a small round wafer (called host) substituted the traditional loaf of bread. (CCRS notes). As so few were receiving Holy Communion, the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) passed a law that re quired Catholics to receive communion at least once a year. Practices that focused on Eucharistic devotion began to appear. These included Elevation of the Host  and chalice at Mass. The priest had his back to the people, he had to hold the host and chalice up high. People would sometimes call out, â€Å"Hold it higher, priest.† Some were so keen on this practice they would run from one church to another just to be there for the moment of consecration! (O’Deasss 2013) .The Eucharistic prayer was recited silently by the priest except for the words of consecration which were voiced a little louder but not so loud as to be heard by the people because the people couldn’t hear the Eucharistic prayer, and even if they could they would not understand the Latin, many filled in the time by reciting the rosary or other devotional prayers during Mass. (O’Deasss 2013) The sixteenth century brought about the Protestant Reformation. The Council of Trent (1545-1563) met to correct some of the abuses that had crept into the Church. It also defended some Catholic beliefs attacked by the Reformers. In the area of the Eucharist, the church fathers reaffirmed the real presence of Jesus and the adequacy of the theological term, transubstantiation. They also defended the sacrificial nature of the Mass against the Reformers. Most significantly, Pope Pius V published a Roman Missal (1570) to bring uniformity to the official ritual. The Church then used this for the next four hundred years. (CCRS notes) Since the reform of 1570, a lot more was discovered about the Eucharist of the early Church and this enabled Vatican II to restore the liturgy more accurately to the traditions that had been lost. Vatican II’s key document the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (1963) led to the renewal of all the Sacraments. Important changes that we take for granted today include the following; celebrating the Mass in the vernacular language so we can understand more fully what it means; the Liturgy of the Word has greater importance; Guidelines instruct the homilist to develop the homily based on the readings. The Sunday readings revolve around a three-year cycle; this emphasis has helped Catholics discover the scriptures. The altar now faces the people, this invites a clearer understanding of what is going on at the Eucharist, and it also symbolically opens the Mass to fuller participation by all those present. Today’s Mass includes the Prayer of the Faithful, which links the Eucharistic worship to the whole church, the world, and the suffering in the community. Active congregational participation is an important feature of the post-Vatican II liturgy. Before, we commonly spoke of â€Å"attending Mass.† Today, we emphasise, â€Å"celebrating the Eucharist.† The  Mass is not a private affair. It is public worship in which the community, led by the priest, joins in thanking, praising, and adoring God together. The laity assumes many ministerial roles today, for example, as readers, Eucharistic ministers, choir members, greeters, and gift bearers. Vatican II wished to make the Eucharist a celebration of the entire community. Many of the reforms help us better understand the symbolism and meaning of the mass. They also help us gather together as a worshipping community. (Kelly 1998). Pope John Paul 11 mentioned this vital connection when he stated: â€Å"the Eucharist makes the Church and the Church makes the Eucharist.† The council did encourage changes in the liturgy. However, many people have misinterpreted this message and have down played the importance of the Eucharist in the Church and in our personal lives. Some members of the Church will claim that this council stated that the Eucharist is merely a symbol, thus denying the Real Presence. On the contrary, almost every Vatican II document speaks of the Real Presence, and implies that we need to increase our devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. â€Å"Really sharing in the body of the Lord in the breaking of the Eucharistic bread, we are taken up into communion with him and with one another.† (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium) 1963) This essay has traced the development and celebration of the sacrament of the Eucharist from the early Christian Church and has demonstrated that the focus at this time was sharing, participating, celebrating and making a personal connection with God. It has also explained that since the establishment and development of the early Catholic Church, the real meaning of the Eucharist was lost and people no longer felt connected to the sacraments. They were observers in the church rather than taking an active role. Since the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church attempted to involve the people and encourage them to experience Jesus’ real presence through the sacrament. â€Å"In brief, the Eucharist is the sum and summary of our faith. Our way of thinking is attuned to the Eucharist, and the Eucharist in turn confirms our way of thinking.† (1327 Catechism) The celebration of the Eucharist is a call, a call of the risen Christ who continues to give himself to us calling us to his banquet, through this celebration we can participate in our faith more richly. As Pope Benedict  explained so passionately: â€Å"I encourage you all to discover ever more fully in the sacrament of Christ’s sacrificial love† (Paclva 2013). Bibliography Catholic Church. Catechism of the Catholic Church. Geoffrey Chapman.1994. CCRS notes Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium) 1963 Good News Bible, Second edition 1994 The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium) 1963 O’Deasss,F: Eucharist the basic spiritually, 2013 Huebsch, B: Rethinking the sacraments, London, 1989 Pacliva, M: The Eucharist: A Bible study for Catholics, USA, 2013 Kelly, L: Sacraments Revisited, What do they mean today, 1998

Friday, August 16, 2019

A Regression Model

Introduction A regression model with one explanatory variable is called a Simple linear regression, that is it involves 2 points: single explanatory variable and the response variable which is the dependent variable Y and independent X, in the graph of two axis y and x coordinate and finds a linear function, as precisely as it can to explains the response variable values as a function of the expanatory variables. The term simple means in statistics that the response variable y is related to one predictor x. The linear regression is given as Y=?0+?1 + ? and they are two parameters that are used estimate the slope of the line ?1 and the y- intercept of the line ?0. ? is the error term.Background Linear Regression has played a vital role in assisting in the analysis of medical data. It makes it possible for the recognition and grouping associated multiple factors. It as well also allows the recognition of anticipating related dangerous factors and the counting of dangerous scores for a single person's prediction, this was made possible by English scientist Sir Francis Galton (1822–1911), a family member of Charles Darwin, made sufficiently benefaction to both in the study of genes and in the study of behaviour and mind . He is the one that came with regression and introduced statistics in a study of living organism.In his study the data sets that he regarded persistent was the heights of male parent and male child (father and son). He wanted to find out whether he can predict the height of a male child based on the male parent's height. Glancing at the results and scatterplots of the heights, Galton noted the relationship which was increasing and it was linear. After drawing a line to these results using the statistical tools, he observed that for male parents whose heights were more than the normal, the regression line anticipated male parents whose heights were more than the normal tended to have male children that have less height than the normal and male parents that have a height which is less than the normal tended to have male children that have a height that is more than the normal . Purposes Simple linear regression could be for example be purposefully in the instance of a an association among weight and height, Weight being the dependent variable y measured in kilograms and height being the independent variable x in centimeters, where the expected value of weight at a specified height is (X) = 2X/4 – 45 for X > 100 for example. Because of natural changeability, the weight could differ for example, it might remain normally distributed with a still ? = 4. The change between an experimental weight and mean weight at a specified height is denoted as the error for that weight. To realize the association that is linear, we might take the weight of three personalities at each height and relate linear regression to model the mean weight as a function of height using a straight line, ?(X) = ?0 + ?1X . The most general way to guesstimate the parameters, (pronounced beta not) ?0 and gradient ?1 (pronounced as beta not) is the least squares estimator, which is derived by differentiating the regression model with respect to ?0 and ?1 and solving for ?0 and also solving for ?1. Let (x i , y i ) be the Ith coordinates of Y and X. The least squares estimator, guesstimates the intercept and the slope reducing the residual sum of squared errors ?ei2= ?(y i – ? i)2= SSE where yi is the experiential value and ?i = b0 + b1xi is the estimated regression line and is called the fitted or â€Å"hat† values. The estimates are given by b0 = – b1 then b1 = SSXX / SSYY and where and are the samples means X and Y, SSXX and SSYY being standard deviations and r = r(X,Y) Pearson correlation coefficient. It is also denoted as Pearson's r, the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, is a measure of the linear associate amongst two variables X and Y. The Pearson correlation coefficient, r takes a variety of values from -1 to +1. A value of 0 recommends that there is no relationship amongst the variables X and Y. A value greater than 0 recommends a positive relationship that is, as the value of the other variable rises, so does the other variable. Before making use of the simple linear regression it is always vital to follow the steps below:1. Select an explanatory variable which is more possible to make the changes in the response variableBe convinced where the previous quantity for the explanatory variable transpire in the precise same period as the quantity of the respone variablePlot the interpretations on a graph making use of the y axis for the respone variable and the x axis for the predictor variable 4. Analyse the plotted interpretations for a linear outline and for any outliersKeeping in mind that there could be correlation without cause and influence. Importances Simple linear regression is considered to be widely valuable in many real-world applications and practises. Simple linear regression functions by assuming the independent and dependent variables have a association that is linear in the certain set-of-data.As expectations are and outcomes are interpreted, the individual handling the analysing role in a such data will have to be precarious since it has been premeditated before that there may be some variables which hinder minimal changes to occur while others will not consider being seized at a stationary point. Although the concept of linear regression is one that is more composite subject, it still remains to be one of the most vital statistical approaches being used till date. Simple linear regression is important because it has be wildly being used in many biological, behavioural , environmental as well as social sciences. Because of its capability to define likely associations among known variables which are simple independent and dependent , it may have assisted in the fields of finance, economics and trend line in describing major data that have proven to be of crux in the selected areas. Above all simple linear regression is vital since it has provided a clue of what desires to be predicted, more specially in regulatory functions involved in certain disciplines. In spite of the complication of simple linear aggression, it has been recognized to be sufficiently valuable in numerous day-to-day applications of life.