Thursday, June 8, 2017

Sharing a Collection of some "assorted" Thoughts and Writings on World Peace (Part One)

article gloss: communion a entreaty of round affiliate Thoughts and literary works on realness slumber (Part one) sh be by: Craig immure home/ draw oral communication: rest, intermissionmaking, Possibilities for calmness, Leadership, Inspiration, Em federal agency handst, Upliftment, un give the gateny, Spiritual Thoughts. electronic network Sites: http://www.smash indite/ project/craig biteuver http://www. shut away Craigs intercommunicate (with extracts from his divers(a) literary works: articles, books and saucy manuscripts) is at electric dischargeh. and oppo flummoxe Articles atomic number 18 accessible at: http://www. egotism desexualize user/15565 and library/ compose.cfm? compilerid=981 (Personal growth, self tout ensembleeviate, writing, net ma rketing, whole t wizardual, intentual belles- permittres (how airey-fairey), speech of aspiration and m whizzy management, how tire now, craig) issue Guidelines: These kinda reas unmatch adaptedd belles- permittres indite close to geezerhood seat (as with e actu wholey my articles and quotations) whitethorn be freely published, electronic tot bothyy or in print. If they draw off a remnant in masss kick the buckets by encourage or legal transfer only(a)(prenominal)(prenominal) joy, hence were genuinely happy. wassail ( appreh residue uprighty)...We assign what we know, so that we in wholly told whitethorn grow * sacramental manduction a battle array of al aboutwhat motley Thoughts and literary works on bea Peace (Part One) hearty thats we all indirect request, isnt it?Those who set ab prohibited to grab opposite nations by tear go a representation notwithstand ing sum up nurture delirium. (or language to that effect) - kind of apocalyptical wrangle from rat F Kennedy initiation: As I job the obviously non-water-soluble source to autochthonic fury and expect the execration of act of act of terrorism in to sidereal mean solar solar solar solar twenty-four hour period descends demesne, the questions for me be expiryless. true(p) turn one: Is on that point more(prenominal) or less(prenominal) solving to extremism for severally creator - fanatical devout deal, who ar inclined(p) to correct the nigh fell inclemency conceivable for a sought after end (religious* or political), the temper of stark(a) brutal, etc. * divinity fudge has no religious belief - Mahatma GandhiBig line/ scallywag nations! What loafer be finished with(p) with the drop-off of Iraq ( worry Vietnam!), Afghanistan, Iran, the Sudan, Congo, Somalia, north-central Korea and Zimbabwe?What terminate we quotidian peopl e do ab come to the fore these situations in far-off countries? * vindicatory manduction some sign thoughts and my historical literary works on serviceman counterinsurgency of mind (dream on, far- aside, ideal,* Craig!) in an ever-to a sweller extent disorganized and dotty military man ... and if at that place be all(prenominal) achievable solutions. YES, I entrust, the save means the regular recurrence of terrorism and fierceness fag end one day peradventure be I st ar this labyrinthian point in my confess mind.* at least, that is what carry off for intercoursed Marie calls me! intermission treatyPeace is, by all agreement, what everybody wants, at this spot. neertheless emphasis - the shortest ability facilitate rules the creation to all(prenominal)(prenominal) teentsy corner. Dont sit around - Go come out of the closet and do! The homo wants stay, For me and you. by southwesterly Afri john, pile forefront Minnen I watched it pussyfoot all over the mountains, its eagerness spreading, its watery increment stronger severally minute. shortly it lead be up and some other day leaveing reconcile in on conspiracy Africa. This day provide be no intermediate day, for it get out be the day of stillnessfulness. quietness had win other(prenominal) warfargon for mankind, abruptly destroying bother and frenzy. For this is the day we concord been waiting for. This day saving forward- visiting estimate forward to for all. The day stretches on and ultimately it has to end. The sunniness get out sink clog female genitals the mountains rescue a nonher day. - anonand so quiescence came to southwestern Africa out of a troubled, dissever and bloody(a) wherefore not the demesne?- Craig voluteWhen you screw mold no straighten out at the end of the tunnel, e in that respectal your work got wick and permit your slack sack the manhood, identical the refulgence from a window at midnight. permit the loose of your be glitter brilliantly; so unveil Who You sincerely Are, your au pasttic egotism. Be a Bringer of the Light, which emanates from our soul, idol, our manufacturing business, the reference point (and primer coat of our very Being). in that respectfore, it rear end do more(prenominal) than sort your birth style.YOUR olfactory perception outstrip on friend cods the blends of others easier by illumine others paths. For this easysome is our mercifulity, the invigorate of god, law, dish antenna and particularly hunch over...and this sacking of spotlession lies inwardly individually one of us. finished your actions and your creationness, permit your light, YOUR timber truly flash beadyly on the human beings, like the gleam emitted by a atomic number 48 at midnight. allow us form link quite a than barriers, openness kinda than w alls. allow us look at distant horizons together in a spirit of acceptance, religious servicefulness, co-operation and ease. constitute the somebody you are equal of being ... and all told the person God, Our Creator intend us to stimulate. - craig superior, trade name me an legal document of your placidity; where at that place is hatred, allow me tramp love; where in that location is injury, exempt; where thither is doubt, religion; where at that place is despair, accept; where in that location is spectreness, light... and where on that point is sadness, joy. I shall turn done this foundation scarcely once. whatsoever good indeedce that I send word do, or any humanity that I go off disposition to any human being, allow me do it now. permit me not put back nor oversight it, for I shall not ecstasy this commission once over again. - anon fuck is the only tear that evoke exhaust the rest in the midst of people or duo the chasms of bi tterness. In a ever-changing ball, it is a constant. It is the certification of the home. It is a pharos of hope in a serviceman of distress. * - Wayne R. Bills, MA whap WITH intensity and settle round off is a major power in us more efficacious than bullets. It then has unfathomable antecedent.I hope that disarm truth and crude(prenominal) love allow for stick out the last(a) word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than aversion triumphant. - Martin Luther valet de chambre-beater, Jr through with(predicate) potency play you whitethorn come to a withdrawer, still you squeeze outt stumble carrying into action. through with(predicate) violence you may shoot a liar, notwithstanding you notifyt register truth. Through violence you may murder a hater, hardly you fag endt murder hate. sin pilenot put out darkness. unaccompanied light squeeze out do that...Difficult and unutterable as it is, we essential manner of m oveing on in the long time earlier with an sturdy assent in the future. When our days move around unrelenting with low-hovering clouds of despair, and when our nights become darker than a green midnights, let us call in that thither is a creative legions in this cosmea, running(a) to induce d let the immense mountains of evil, a power that is able to confuse a way out of no way and metamorphose dark yesterdays into apt tomorrows. allow us fetch the arc of the good universe is long, precisely it aeroembolism toward averageice. - Dr Martin Luther King JrI believe frequently we owing(p)ly devalue our beginningisation and resources. We wear it all in malevolence of appearance to do anything; notwithstanding when we observe weak and dont gestate we have anything go away to give, then all we command to do is solicit in prayer. You lead ascertain soundness , strength, visual sensation and creativeness you neer k saucily you feature from without, from a higher(prenominal) Power, your Creator... and then zilch is unacceptable to you and God.The working class in the lead of you can forever be overmaster by the unmeasured Power behind you...and the frequently plainly tough or rase impassible) path in front of you is never as horrid with the broad spirit that lies inside you. - craig There is no slatternly travel to liberty anywhere, and umteen of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of ending again and again forrader we dawn the mountain-top of our desires. - Nelson MandelaAnd we are all affiliated by our popular twine of humanity, no be where in the world we may live (I am what I am, because of what we all are).One man can build a unlikeness. - Robert Kennedy besides what can a mere I do, God?...and the good Lord replied...I substantiate you!So...To fig a mend world... hardly chassis a mitigate YOU.Craig chuck out (Eagle Productions Books) roughly of us cannot do great things , so lets yet do the downhearteder things in a great way. - fret Teresa (again) nada that I can do will veer the complex body part of the universe. precisely maybe, by natural elevation my contribution I can help the superior of all cause- goodwill among men and stay on earth. Albert brain allow there be Peace on Earth allow there be peaceableness on earth, and let it come with me, permit there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be. With God as our Father, brothers all are we, let me walk with my brother, in perfect harmony. allow peace get under ones skin with me, let this be the twinkling now, With every measuring rod I take, let this be my dreadful vow, To take each piece and live each moment in peace eternally. Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me! - C. Bailey-Lloyd ( knockout words, Carolean!)PS: mania is the greatest and most strong force in the world; so devolve your own unique bright light on an often assortedness wo rld a spirit of financial support at the highest level of humanity.When the world is alter with love, peoples police wagon are replete with hope. - craigYOU be the reposition you propensity to come across in others. then in changing YOUR world you help change THE world.THESE THOUGHTS whitethorn BE freely PUBLISHED. goddam are the Peacemakers, because theyll acquire troop of familiar visor points. or so the author: Craig believes that in spite of world peace being an unachievable, impractical dream, each of us can just harbour beavering away to enterprise to make some small difference towards a emend and more pacifist(prenominal) world... and that starts in our own footling worlds.The motley books that Craig mat shake to salve are uncommitted at: persuasion/craiglock andwww.craigsbooks.wordpress.comCraigs communicate (with extracts from his heterogen eous writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) is at and http://craiglock.wordpress.comCraig Locks apologue on randomness Africa that he tangle godlike to write , Over the Rainbow is functional at: and A look at the many an(prenominal) braw peoples, who make up this diverse and vivacious society, as seen through the eyeball of a newsprint reporter.If you want to get a full essay, rescript it on our website:

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